Why You Need to Update Your Contractors’ Credentials

Learn why updating your contractors' credentials is essential for successful facility management. Get the insights you need for effective communication with your contractors now!
Published on
September 21, 2023

This blog emphasises the crucial need for businesses to update contractors' credentials, highlighting the legal, financial, and safety risks associated with outdated qualifications. It stresses the importance of licensed and insured contractors and explores the benefits of ensuring up-to-date credentials for effective facility management. The article introduces Mind That Facility as an advanced software solution, offering features such as automated alerts and real-time tracking to streamline and enhance the management of contractor credentials.

Why You Need to Update Your Contractors’ Credentials

In today's fast-paced world, updated qualifications and credentials are more critical than ever before. As a business owner or manager, you must ensure your contractors are up-to-date with their qualifications, training, insurance and certifications. Failure to do so can lead to serious legal, financial, and reputational consequences.

Consider these facts: outdated qualifications and credentials can compromise the safety of your workplace, jeopardise your projects, and put your employees at risk. In addition, failing to stay on top of credential updates could result in substantial fines, legal issues, and even the loss of contracts.

To protect your business and your employees, you must implement a robust and effective procedure or process for managing and updating your contractors' credentials. This includes maintaining accurate records, tracking expiry dates, and ensuring that your contractors regularly update their qualifications. 

As a facility manager, staying up to date on the credentials of your contracted staff is essential. Not only do contractors need the proper qualifications and certifications for safety reasons, but they must also keep their skillsets current as regulations and standards change. 

Whilst it can be challenging to keep track of all these credentials manually, the good news is that using modern facility management software can make this process much more manageable. In this blog post, we'll explore why updating contractor credentials is essential for effective facility management and how versatile tools like Mind That Facility can help relieve some of the stress.

What it Means to be a Licensed or Insured Vendor or Contractor

When finding the right vendor or contractor for your project, seeing "licensed and insured" can offer relief and security. But what exactly do these terms mean, and why should you care?


First and foremost, a license is a testament to a vendor's level of expertise and professionalism. To obtain a license, a contractor must typically complete specific education and training requirements, pass exams, and meet other qualifications set forth by their national or local government. This ensures they have the knowledge and skills to perform their work safely and efficiently.

But licensing isn't just about knowledge and skill - it also demonstrates a contractor's compliance with necessary legal and regulatory requirements. Licensed contractors must follow specific codes and guidelines and maintain appropriate levels of insurance and bonding. This protects contractors and their clients, ensuring that everyone involved in a project is fully protected.


Speaking of protection, this is where being insured comes into play. When a contractor is adequately insured, it offers a layer of security for the contractor and their clients. In the event of unforeseen accidents or damages, an insured contractor can provide financial compensation without burdening their client. 

This can include coverage for liability, property damage, and even workers' compensation, which can be especially important when working on larger projects that involve multiple workers.

Whilst being licensed and insured does come with a cost, the benefits of having credentials typically offset it. For contractors, it can open doors to more lucrative projects and build trust with potential clients.

Moreover, verifying that the vendor you are considering is licensed and insured is essential. You can do this by checking with the relevant government agency, asking for documentation from the contractor, and even contacting the insurance company directly to confirm the validity of their policy.

What are the Benefits of Ensuring Contractors are Licensed or Insured?

As a facility manager, you have a lot on your plate. You're responsible for ensuring your facility is safe, comfortable, and functioning properly. That's why having licensed and insured contractors with updated credentials and certifications is essential. Not only does this protect your facility, but it also protects you from potential legal and financial liabilities.

Here are some of the benefits of making sure you have contractors with updated licenses and insurance: 

1. Proper Training and Expertise — When a contractor is licensed, they have passed specific requirements, including formal education or training, apprenticeship, and passing an exam. This ensures that the contractor has the knowledge and expertise to perform the necessary work on your facility safely and effectively. 

2. Quality Assurance — Licensed contractors are held to higher standards and regulations, which means that the quality of their work is closely monitored. This ensures that the work done by licensed contractors is up to the standards set by the industry and meets the requirements of your facility. 

3. Protection for Your Facility — Hiring an uninsured contractor is risky, as it means that your facility is liable for any damages, accidents, or injuries that may occur. On the other hand, an insured contractor will have coverage that can help cover the costs of damages, accidents, or injuries that may arise during their work. 

4. Compliance with Regulations — There are many regulations that facility managers need to comply with, including workplace safety regulations. Hiring licensed and insured contractors helps ensure that your facility complies with these regulations, improving the safety and security of your facility and its occupants. 

5. Peace of Mind — Hiring licensed and insured contractors provides peace of mind since you know you work with skilled, qualified professionals committed to delivering high-quality work that meets industry standards. This can help you focus on other essential aspects of your facility management without worrying about whether your contractors are qualified or adequately insured. 

How Can a Facilities Management Software Ensure Your Contractor’s Credentials are Up-To-Date?

Maintaining a safe and secure workplace is paramount to a facility manager. One aspect is ensuring that your contractors have the qualifications and credentials to perform their jobs safely and efficiently. This is where facility management software can make a big difference. With the right software, you can easily track and verify your contractors' credentials to ensure they are up-to-date and compliant with regulations.

Facility management software is designed to simplify your job by automating and streamlining processes, including credential management. Here's how facility management software can ensure your contractor's credentials are up-to-date:

  1. Centralised Database — Facilities management software provides a centralised database for all contractor information. This includes credentials, qualifications, licenses, and certifications. You can easily access this information and verify its validity with a few clicks.
  1. Automated Alerts — A good facility management software will have automated alerts that notify you when a contractor's credential is about to expire. This gives you ample time to request an updated certification, ensuring your contractors are always compliant and qualified to work in your facility.
  1. Streamlined Verification Process — With facilities management software, you can easily verify a contractor's credentials in real time. This eliminates the need for manual verification, reducing the risk of errors and miscommunication.
  1. Improved Compliance — Ensuring your contractors have up-to-date credentials enhances compliance and reduces the risk of accidents and incidents. This improves workplace safety, minimises downtime, and protects your organisation's reputation.
  1. Better Contractor Management — Facilities management software can help you manage your contractors more efficiently. Having all their information in one place lets you easily track and monitor their progress, ensuring they meet your standards and expectations.

Why is Mind That Facility the Best Choice for Managing Your Contractors’ Credentials? 

When managing contractor credentials, many solutions are available on the market. However, one platform stands out in effectiveness, ease of use, and comprehensive features: Mind That Facility.

This powerful platform offers businesses of all sizes an innovative and intuitive way to manage their contractor credentials and more. What sets Mind That Facility apart is its advanced features, such as automated alerts and notifications, real-time status tracking, and secure document management. 

This means businesses can easily track their contractors' credentials, ensuring they comply with all relevant regulations and requirements. Our intuitive user interface allows for easy contractor onboarding, credential uploading, and expirations tracking. With our real-time notifications, you'll never miss a credential expiration or renewal again. Plus, our platform is fully customisable to fit the unique needs of your business.

As a facility manager, you must ensure all your contract staff are current on their qualifications, insurance and certifications. Implementing a process for ongoing credential updates should be at the top of your priority list.  Mind That Facility can help efficiently manage all contractor documents and keep your workplace secure and compliant while saving valuable time and energy. Book a demo to learn how we can help modernise credential tracking for your facility management needs!

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Mind That is a facilities & asset job management platform providing tools to easily manage and assign jobs and track assets so you can make sure the properties you manage are well under control and well maintained.
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